
contract UltimateOracleFactory
Title:Ultimate oracle factory contract - Allows to create ultimate oracle contracts
Author:Stefan George - <stefan@gnosis.pm>
event UltimateOracleCreation(address indexed creator, UltimateOracle ultimateOracle, Oracle oracle, ERC20 collateralToken, uint8 spreadMultiplier, uint challengePeriod, uint challengeAmount, uint frontRunnerPeriod)
UltimateOracle public ultimateOracleMasterCopy
constructor(UltimateOracle _ultimateOracleMasterCopy)
function createUltimateOracle(Oracle oracle, ERC20 collateralToken, uint8 spreadMultiplier, uint challengePeriod, uint challengeAmount, uint frontRunnerPeriod)
returns (UltimateOracle ultimateOracle)

Creates a new ultimate Oracle contract

  • oracle – Oracle address
  • collateralToken – Collateral token address
  • spreadMultiplier – Defines the spread as a multiple of the money bet on other outcomes
  • challengePeriod – Time to challenge oracle outcome
  • challengeAmount – Amount to challenge the outcome
  • frontRunnerPeriod – Time to overbid the front-runner

Oracle contract